Optimization algorithms and flexible design of data interfaces

The technology and service company Robert Bosch uses our strategic analysis and planning system PSIglobal to optimize existing logistics networks and design new ones. In 2017 alone, the company achieved savings potentials in the double-digit percentage range.



Industry:Automotive & Spare Parts

Location: Gerlingen, Germany

Employees: 402,000 worldwide

"Among the tools for supply chain network design, scenario optimization and evaluation with the software we use brings us the greatest benefit. We benefit especially from integrated optimization algorithms as well as from the expandability and flexible design of data interfaces."

Dr. Christian Lippolt

Head of Department Logistics Consulting


business areas – network analysis based on existing actual data


logistics centres


parcels leave the logistics centre daily

The challenge

The company comprises 15 business units with 60 product groups worldwide, 270 production plants, 800 logistics centers, 20,000 direct suppliers, 250,000 customers and is thus on its way to becoming the leading provider of Internet of Things and mobility solutions. Therefore, goods and products must always be available efficiently at the right time and in the right place in order to inspire customers with their products every day. The company pursues a holistic, cross-functional TCO approach which takes into account not only logistics but also purchasing, production, labor market developments and new networks for analysis and, if necessary, optimization. The required simulation software must be capable of capturing and visualizing existing process and product data, weighing individual factors against each other and answering questions such as transport costs in relation to site selection in a model approach.

Solution components

  • Data import
  • Analysis/Visualization
  • Distance calculation
  • Extrapolation/prognosis
  • Production optimization
  • Location optimization
  • Tactical tour planning
  • Table and graphic export

Software in use

Deployed software: PSIglobal

Realized interfaces:


The solution

PSIglobal is used for the analysis and continuous optimization of the operational, tactical and strategic planning and control levels of logistics networks. It enables the determination, preparation and structured evaluation of all relevant key performance indicators (KPI). The different scenarios mapped in the if-then-models show the effects of changes in a wide range of factors on the network. These include strategic decisions, the sustainable design of the network, the choice of location, market factors or the distribution of volumes, capacities and resources. From the results, Bosch can then derive cost structures and optimize them through appropriate changes. PSIglobal demonstrated its benefits at Bosch through a cross structure network analysis of the 15 business divisions carried out last year based on existing actual data. The result was a wide variety of optimization options. Key elements, cost drivers, key parameters and critical factors for network design could be identified through the software. This resulted in potential savings of 13 percent on customs, inventory and transport costs. The automated identification and concerted comparison of key cost drivers, risks and potentials which PSIglobal independently carries out on the basis of stored definitions, is also used by companies that rely on the comprehensive digitalization of its logistics processes.

PSI Logistics customers and their successes

Next.e.GO Mobile

Next.e.GO Mobile SE uses Industry 4.0 methods to produce electric vehicles that are “practical and affordable”. The basis for this is a particularly high level of agility in production and logistics.

FIEGE Logistik

FIEGE operates three million square metres of warehouse and logistics space worldwide. For warehouse management and process control, FIEGE relies on PSIwms in three logistics centres.


Klinikum Nürnberg

Nuremberg Hospital has a total of 42 institutions and various interdisciplinary centres. For the purpose of supplying all departments and locations, the hospital relies on PSIwms.

Koenig & Bauer Kammann

As a manufacturer of decoration machines, the company plans, designs and assembles at its plant in Löhne. PSIwms is used for the smooth handling of production logistics.


Up to 1.5 million garments leave LPP's 66,000 square metre distribution centre daily. Behind this is a logistical masterstroke, made possible in part by the use of PSIwms.


Mahr is a manufacturer of production measurement technology. For production supply and dispatch processing, Mahr relies on the PSIwms with integrated forklift control system - connected to the ERP system PSIpenta.

Mister Spex

Mister Spex relies on our WMS to optimise its logistics processes. At the logistics centre in Berlin-Siemensstadt, PSIwms controls the entire intralogistics and production supply.


MV WERFTEN operates three shipyards. Genting HK has cruise ships built at the three shipyard sites in Wismar, Rostock and Stralsund for the shipping companies belonging to its own group.


NOSTA Group offers logistics services along the entire value chain - on land, on water, on rails or in the air. NOSTA relies on PSIwms to control its material flows.

Robert Bosch

Robert Bosch uses PSIglobal to optimise existing logistics networks and design new ones. In 2017, the company achieved savings potential in the double-digit percentage range.

Rudolph Logstik Gruppe

The Rudolph Logistics Group is an internationally active logistics service provider and uses our PSIglobal in conjunction with the tender management module to manage its tasks.

Würth Elektronik eiSos

Würth Elektronik eiSos develops, manufactures and distributes electronic and electromechanical components for the electronics industry. Our PSIwms is used to handle the logistics processes.

Würth Elektronik France SAS

Würth Elektronik France guarantees delivery of all catalogue products within 48 hours. Würth relies on PSIwms for the swift and smooth handling of logistics processes.

Alfred Kärcher

For optimised storage and picking processes according to product-specific strategies, Kärcher relies on our warehouse management system PSIwms at the central logistics centre in Obersontheim.

Intelligent Warehousing

What makes a user-friendly WMS? Active monitoring with dashboard views

This video shows how the Warehouse Management System PSIwms makes clear evaluations at a glance using dashboard views with diagrams and traffic light functions from tabular data. Includes interface monitoring, logging of all changes and event tracking. To ensure that no important information is overlooked, event tracking also allows graphical analyses to be displayed on large screens.

Any questions? Are you interested?

Contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Rüdiger Stauch
Head of Sales

phone.: +49 6021 366-561
e-mail: sales@psilogistics.com

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